Welcome to individual ticket registration for the 2025 Builder’s Risk & Construction Symposium.

  • In order to maintain a diverse and representative spectrum of attendees, we are limiting individual ticket sales to 5 attendees per company.
  • All tickets are on a first come, first served basis and there are a limited number of individual tickets available.
  • Once the individual tickets are sold out, a waitlist will begin based on the order in which the individual registered.

The intent of the Symposium is to bring together practitioners in the builder’s risk arena. Business development, marketing and sales professionals will not be permitted to register. If you need assistance or have questions, please email [email protected].

Symposium Sponsors

Sponsors are allowed up to 5 individual tickets for sponsor firm employees, pending ticket availability.

This is an additional allotment available for purchase in addition to the tickets you receive with your sponsorship.

If a sponsor wishes to invite and pay for guests that are not sponsor firm employees (clients, vendors, partners, etc.), please have your guests register and indicate that your firm will be paying the invoice for the ticket in the payment drop down. This will not be considered as part of your 5 individual ticket allotment.

Non-Sponsor Registrants

Each company is allowed up to 5 individual tickets, pending ticket availability.

If you are invited to register as a guest of another Company who is paying for your ticket, please register below and indicate where your ticket invoice should be directed.

The cap is 5 individual tickets per Company regardless of who pays the invoice.

Any new non-sponsor company registrants that has not participated in previous years conferences will be subject to review by the Executive Committee for final approval for their registration.